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The Announcement This is me Sweetie, and I'm writing on a new page that belongs to Matthew.
Lucy and Joey at the head of the guest list
Oh, these tulips will look nice of the buffet table!
Isn't it wonderful that Sweetie and Marius provided this room with this comfortable couch I wonder where my buddy, Andy is. I could ask him if there are any stairs that he and I can run up and down on like we do at my house when he comes to visit.
Da Wedwink Uf Sweetie and Marius The serimony is about to begin... Ernie, in himz Oh Fishyating soot, stepz up tu da pullpit an turnz tu greet himz frend, Marius, wif a smile. Marius nerfuzly smilez bak at Ernie. Marius kin hardlee weight tu see hiz beeyutiful bride gliding down da isle tu him. Da wedwink mewsik beginz tu play. Marius slowly mayke dere weigh down da isle. Dey luk sew kewt, an ar duing effuryfing jus purrfekt. Az dey stop in frunt uf da pullpit, menny uf da kitties begin tu git teerz in dere ayez. Da ladycatz dab at dere ayez wif lase hankeez. Now da luvlee bridezmaydez begin maykin' dere weigh down da isle. Da ladycatz wispurr tu eech uffur dat everyone luks so nicely dressed. Dey reech da end uf da isle ware Marius and hiz bestmankitty, Matthew, an ushurz ar standing, an turn tu wach fur Sweetie tu begin herz wok down da isle. Cindy lukz sew luvly in herz wite an pink dress. She wokz down da isle, furry prowd tu haf had Sweetie chooze her fur herz Mayde uf Honur. She arrifez at da alter an taykez herz plase dere. Now da moment effurywun haz bin weighting fur. Maris wachez breflessly az hiz Beeluved Sweetie, on da arm uf herz brofur. Andy. Sweetie appurrs at da beginnin' uf da isle. Dere ayez meet, an dey bof see only dere strong luv fur eech uffur. Maris wachez breflessly az hiz Beeluved Sweetie, on da arm uf herz brofur, Andy appurrs at da beginnin' uf da isle. Dere ayez meet, an dey bof see only dere strong luv fur eech uffur. Slowly and grasefully, Sweetie maykez herz weigh down da isle tu joyn herz troo luv. At da hed uf da isle, Andy putz Sweetie'z paw in Marius'z paw an stepz bak. Ernie kleerz himz frote an speekz: "Whu gifz dis ladycat tu wed dis boycat?" Andy anserz, "Ize, her brofur du," den stepz bak tu his seat. "Deer frendz, weez ar gaffured heer tuday tu selibrate da luv dat Sweetie an Maris haf fur eech uffer. Weez come tugeffur tu witness an honur dere yunyun. Dis iz indeed a gloryus day." "Marius, do mew take this womankitty to be your lawfully wedwinked wife?" Marius: "I du wif awl my effurthing that I have to offur my Sweetie furevfur!" "Marius, will yu gif da vowz yu haf ritten tu Sweetie now?" Marius turns tu Sweetie wif herz pawz in hiz an sez> Ernie turns tu Sweetie and sez, "Sweetie, do you take this mankitty to be your lawfully wedwinked husband?" "Doze ar furry luving vowz, Marius and Sweetie Marius'z lukz intu Sweetie'z ayez and sayz "Dis bite iz simbolik uf da luv Ize haf fur yu inna tradishun uf owrz not-fikzed-but not broken ansesturz wifowt whum weez wud not bee heer tuday. It bindz us tugeffur fureffur no madder whut da fewchur bringz." <Marius furry jently bitez at Sweetie'z nek an hopez he din't hurt hiz bridekitty> Ernie speekz agin: "Now you, Sweetie" Lukking intu Marius'z ayez, Sweetie sez: "Dis swat iz simbolik uf da luv Ize haf fur yu inna tradishun uf owrz not-fikzed-but-not broken ansesturz wifowt whum weez wud not bee heer tuday. It bindz us tugeffur fureffur, no madder whut da fewchur bringz." <Sweetie gifz Marius a jentlul swat wif herz shiney polished Ernie: "Furry gud, Marius and Sweetie Now it iz time fur da tradishunal Batting uf da Mowsie" Ernie reechez intu da simbolik Fudbowl uf Bast, an pikz up a furry mowsie> "Ize drop dis mowsie fur yu bof tu bat. It iz da simbul uf da life uf luv an purrospurrity dat yu now share. <Ernie dropz mowsie. <Marius batz mowsie tu Sweetie; Sweetie batz it bak tu Marius. Dey kontinyu tu bat da mowsie bak an forf fur a few minitz, symullizing da sharing uf effuryfing in dere lifez. Den Ernie kontinuze da wedwinking seremony.> Ernie: "In da ayez uf Bast an dis gaffuring uf yur frendz an fambily, an wif da powerz infested in mineself bye Bast, Ize now purrnownce yu mankitty an wifekitty. Marius, yu may kiss yur bridekitty. <Marius shylee gifz akittykiss tu Sweetie> Ernie: "Ladykatz an Jentlekatz, please concatulate da newlee wedwinked cupple, Sweetie an Marius!" <Entire krowd standz on dere feetz an klaps an hootz an hollurz az Sweeite an Marius wok bak down da isle, now mankitty an wifekitty.> <Ernie allowz a teer uf joy tu run down hiz, sew happy tu haf had da honur uf yooniting hiz frendz, sew mush in luv wif eech uffur, in catrimony.>
On the patio of the Wedwink Ballroom
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