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[Our Wedwink ] [The Tulip Garden ] [Garden 2 ] [ The Girls Shop ] [park 1 ] [park 2 ] [Bridesmaids ] [Bride] [The Wedwink Well ] [Wedwink Cake ]
Wedwink Cake
Cindy: Come everyone and have some of HoneyCat's and Andy's Wedwink cake! Sweetie: What a lovely cake Cindy! This room is so nice! You have decorated it so beautifully! Don't you think so, Marius? Annie: It is lovely. I am here with my handsome Timothy. We are so in love. Ernie: Maybe you will be the next two in line to be wedwinked
Cindy is in charge of the wedwink cake. Let's go see how she is doing serving all the guests. Andy and I will have the first two slices of our wedwink cake!
These lovely ladies, Neek and Maggie, came dressed in their fanciest outfits! This is Jordan, the brofur of Neek! Jordan: Ime furry handsome in my shirt and tie! When do we eat? Here are Neek and her husband, Stan! Neek: It is luffly to be here with you, Stan. Stan: I luff going everywhere with you, my luffly wife! Neek: You always know how to say da sweetest things to me!
Scraps: My dear husband, you look so handsome in your blue! Levi: It's my best and you look so ravishing, a purrty picture yourself, my little wife!! Both: smurgle smurgle
Misty: I hope you like my new gown, Jack It was my first choice! You look very catsome, Jack!! Jack: I thought your dress was more of a red, and we clash a little. I will see if I can get a hat and tie closer to your beautiful pink gown! You look lovely, Misty! Misty: You look catsome in any color, Jack! I brought a box of Love Candy for Honeycat and Andy.
Let us go to the Wedwink Cake room and partake of the delicious cake! After all those goodies we ate at the table that Cindy and Frass had for all the guests.
C'mon Maxie, let's go get some cake!
Molly: This is Klooser, that came for the wedwink, the cake and the ballroom dancing. He asked me to have some wedwink cake and to the wedwink dance. Klooser is from Catalina Island, California.
Homer: Now that we have had our fill of Cindy's and Frass' good food at their food table, and Cindy's cake, would you guys like to go on the dance floor and dance? Mandy: Well, that might be fun wouldn't it Batman? Buddy: My sister Pickles and I would like to dance too!!
Bear: We are ready too to go to the ballroom for some dancing to celebrate this happy ocassion!
Jackie: Where is Cindy? I have always liked that little girl, even though I have my own gal at home. Gee, I'd love to dance with her again. I better go to her cake table to see her and talk to her. I just had to come to see Cindy again!! We were an item at one time and here is a picture of us from those parties. We were playing in the snow and then at the Luau at the beach.
Cindy: Then we went to Doris's Luau , at the beach. I was having so much fun with my friend, Jackie, and I will never forget it. 2001
Cindy: This was me and Jackie when we were sledding at Bitsy's Winter Lodge. It was Christmas at Bitsy's Winter Lodge, and the Wedwinking of Bini and Murphy. I had so much fun with Jackie that winter. http://dorissimo.net/winter/cinijack.html
Cindy: You can also see these on my page too! http://www.nancys-kitty-kondo.net/cindy.html
Cindy: This was when I went to Doris's Luau , at the beach. I was having so much fun with my friend, Jackie, and I will never forget it. He was a cool cat!!!! 2001 http://members.cox.net/henfrey/luau/beach2.htm