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[The Wdwink Well ]
[Wedwink Cake ]
[ Mary ]


Matthew, the editor of this page, thinks that we should leave
the snowy pictures on this page for
a while since we have been having it very cold this
January 2010. It has gone way down to 29 for the
evening temps in
some parts of Florida and lower in the north part of
the state. It's quite a record of cold for us. To have
it in the 40s for the high is cold for our Florida.
The whole country of USA has had it much colder.
We understand that it will warm up within a few days.
 70s is normal for this time of year.






Winter ChristmasVillage~












Mom doing some touch ups for Christmas 2000






We are so heartsick with deep sadness of the terrible attack to the United States of America
from the terrorist of the world




~PleaseLight a Candle for our America, the victims, their families
and the rescue workers involved in this horrible tragedy


We are very proud to display this
Go to this cute site and visit Dog, the Cat!


Spring of 2000.
This little bird was born in  our shrub.
We call him Scooter. He makes daily visits to
our birdbaths and gardens.

  Spring of 2000
This little warbler comes to visit our birdbath
and spends time in the tree outside
our condo apt.
 January 20, 2001


Hello... my name is Matthew and I am a member of my mom's "Kitty Kondo," and I like to talk a lot. I am the speaker of the house of this kitty kondo family, and I will write for my mom on this page, because this is her page. As well as her loving and caring for us, she loves all cats...but us especially as we are special!! Mom loves her computer and likes to paint her ceramic buildings.She likes to set out her village that she painted at Christmas time. So, between taking care of me, and my brothers and sisters, and doing stuff on her computer, she likes to paint little things too.
Another one of the favorite things in her life is keeping in touch with our other family, Kathy who likes to called Kathyrn, the mom, and the grandchildren, Ray (Andrew), and Kathryn. They live here in Florida too.
 2008 and 2009
  Published Oct/Nov 2009
Mom and Dad's granddaughter Kathryn now lives in Naples, Florida and our cousin, Chester lives there too.
Here is his picture:
This graphic was made by
Linda Garvey of
The Catalina Island Cats
Thank you so much Lynnda
for this purrfect award of precious
August ~ 1999
We love this beautiful award,
Sharif's Award For Excellence
Thank you so much, Lynnda
July 9, 2001
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   Copyright 1998-2001,2002,2003,2004, 2005,
Nancy's Kitty Kondo
All Rights Reserved